With combined over 30 years’ experience in major domestic and international banks, we are best placed to act as trusted advisors to you and your business. Organizing finance can be complex & challenging. Leveraging upon our experience in both complex and non-complex lending scenarios , frees you up to concentrate on what most important – running your business and looking after you and your family.
We understand that everybody’s financial situation and goals are unique. Providing a one size fits all solution has its limitations and is NOT something we advocate here at Velox Capital. Operating an informed, independent, and transparent approval process is something we strive to achieve, and we always have you the client front of mind.
Having access to a multitude of major and trusted lenders on our panel allows for the lender/ financier to work for you.
Finance Broking is a multi service component to our business and is not limited to Commercial, Residential, Equipment, Property/ Construction & Private lending. We are and end to proposition
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Truly a unique service offering, which you will not find with your traditional/local mortgage broker.
In conjunction with your wider finance team, we take a hands-on approach to understand all facets of your business and borrowing requirements. Our modus operandi is that an investment on the front end of the approval process reaps rewards by way of pricing and structure.
We understand the loan approval process can be daunting and frustrating sometimes. Lenders and Banks in our experience can also sometimes become disinterested if the information provided is in not in format acceptable to them.
At Velox Capital we developed a unique template which represents your business in the best possible way to the bank and is comparable to what most lenders would prepare internally for their Credit department. Knowing that we want the lender to give your business the attention it truly deserves, the result is a Tailored Finance Report.
At Velox Capital we understand that your business and personal circumstances can change. The recent covid pandemic has really exemplified this topic. While you have been able to pivot, you feel that your lender has not been able to grow with the strategy of your business. What is most important is that you have the necessary support during this unfortunate cycle that you are facing. Financiers risk tolerance and appetite can change however we believe this should never have an impact on you operating your business to its best potential.
In conjunction with our panelists of independent advisors we have the experience and skills to work with you during any adversity and challenges your business is facing.
If you are feeling pressure from your financier and you’re unsure how to navigate we would love to hear from you.
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